Railway Company Items GREEN LOCOMOTIVES From about March to September 1923, locos were lettered L & N E R, sometimes with full stops, on the tender or tank sides in small (7???) letters with the number below in large (12???') numbers. Locos painted after Sept. 1923 until the end of 1928 had 7???" letters L N E R. Tank engines continued to he lettered in the same way, but from early 1929 tender engines normally had large 12??? letters L N E R on the tender sides with the number the same size on the cabside. Some small tenders, especially in Scotland, had 7???" letters, while locos with small cabs used 9" or 7???" numbers. All LNER locos had the number to the right of the front buffer beam coupling hook with NO to the left. North Eastern area tank locos frequently had the number repeated on the back. The official list of locos to be painted green and therefore lettered in the gilt insignia of this sheet was as follows until 1928: - A1 (A10), A2, A3, B1 (B18), B2(B19), B3, B4, B12, B14, B17, C1-2, C4-8, C10-11, D1-26, D28-34, D36, D38, D40-44, D49, El-5, ???901???, Xl-4. After mid-1928 this was reduced to:- Al(A10), A2-3, Bl(B18), B2(B19),B3-4, B12, B17, Cl, C6-8, C11, D49,Xl-3. The following were added when built: A4, C9, K4, P2, V2, V4. This insignia also applies to A4 class whether blue or green, except for No's:-4488/92/5/6 which had stainless steel insignia. Most repainting in wartime was in black with yellow insignia which is on Sheet 4a. Sheet 4a also includes the very small white lettering for loco class number (post 1943) and a selection of shed names. These are for application below the buffer beam number. COACHES Coaches were normally lettered LNER towards the left of the coach, in the upper of the two panels below the waist with the number towards the right-hand end and GUARD on single guard's doors. Class figures appeared in the bottom panel of each passenger door. The use of 3 was discontinued after 1941. Special designations SLEEPING CAR etc., appeared in the bottom panels. The larger size LNER and numerals were used on the Tourist stock of the `thirties'. The sheet includes four sample names for steam railmotors - many more can be made up from the letters on the sheet.