Transfer Group : Railway Company Items CRIMSON LAKE LOCOS (Officially all passenger locos 1923-27, then principal express passenger classes only, 1928 to about 1940) The outer edges of all crimson lake panels were black, with a pale yellow line next to the crimson lake. Large areas (e.g. cab and tender sides) usually had a broad black edging and smaller areas a narrow one. Flat beadings on cab and tender sides all black with the yellow on the beading, not the panel. (Vertical beadings in the middle of a panel usually left crimson lake). Many special shapes are provided including steps, splashers, tender frame cut-outs, cabsides and tender top curves, but it is impossible to provide all shapes which might be required, especially pre-1928. Note the boiler bands were unlined except those adjacent to the smokebox and cab. The footplate angle was lined along its lower edge. Buffer beam edges were lined. LINED BLACK LOCOS (The 'Intermediate Passenger' or' Standard Mixed Traffic' livery, 1928 to about 1940). These locos were finished in varnished black. In principle there was a red line where a crimson lake loco would have had a yellow one, except that steps and tender sideframes were unlined, as were the footplate angles of standard tank locos. Tender and cabside panels often had rounded corners, though not when on raised beadings with square corners. 1946 LINED BLACK LIVERY (Confined to Pacifies, Royal Scots, Patriots and Jubilees - by no means all even of these received it before nationalisation). A broad maroon edging with a straw line next to the black was applied on tender sides ( all round) and cabsides (not the top edge). The front curve and main horizontal of the footplate angle was maroon, edged straw both sides (no footplate lining below the cab). Front and back boiler bands and back firebox band unlined some locos at first, then maroon with straw both edges. Front and back of outside cylinders, narrow vertical maroon line with straw both edges.